Lyrics & translations

Systemets makt // Power of the system

(Music: Winters, Lyrics: Winters/Fist)

de styre ditt livthey control your life
de stikke som knivthey sting like a knife
de e allmuens hivthey are the common man's HIV
de styre ditt livthey control your life
nå må du reisa deg oppnow you have to rise up
nå ska me sparka te toppsnow we will kick at those on top
systemet e en floppthe system is a flop
nå må du reisa deg oppnow you have to rise up
hoder ska rullaheads will roll
alle ska følgaall will follow
skambankt ska knullaskambankt will fuck
systemets maktthe power of the system
de kontrollere degthey control you
registrere degregister you
de kalkulere degthey estimate you
manipulere degmanipulate you
nå må du reisa deg oppnow you have to rise up
nå ska me sparka te toppsnow we will kick at those on top
systemet e en floppthe system is a flop
nå må du reisa deg oppnow you have to rise up
hoder ska rullaheads will roll
alle ska følgaall will follow
skambankt ska knullaskambankt will fuck
systemets maktthe power of the system
skambank - de ska få skambank - skambankthrashing - they will get a thrashing - thrashing
