Lyrics & translations

Ordets Gud // God of the Words

(Music: Winters, Lyrics: Winters/Fist)

han stod fasthe stood firm
du slo for lavtyou hit too low
var åpenbartit was obvious
at det du sa hadde du blitt fortaltthat what you said had been told to you
du satt han utyou put him off guard
gjekk bak hans ryggwent behind his back
nå kan du aldri føla deg trygg igjennow you can never feel safe again
igjen - eg gjentaragain - I repeat
igjen - igjen - igjen - igjenagain - again - again - again
neste gang han ser deg så bør du vær klarthe next time he sees you you should be ready
har gift på tungå ska gje deg klart svargot poison on his tongue, will give you a clear reply
ska få deg te å svetta ska få deg i knewill make you sweat, will bring you to your knees
du la deg utyou took on
med ordets gudthe god of the words
hans første budhis first commandment
e at ingen ska drida han utis that no one should talk trash to him
men så kom dubut then you came
heilt uten truwithout believing
heilt uten tru på at han tar igjenwithout believing he would come back at you
igjen - igjen - eg gjentaragain - again - I repeat
igjen - igjen - igjen - igjenagain - again - again - again
neste gang han ser deg så bør du vær klarthe next time he sees you you should be ready
har gift på tungå ska gje deg klart svargot poison on his tongue, will give you a clear reply
ska få deg te å svetta ska få deg i knewill make you sweat, will bring you to your knees
neste gang han ser deg så bør du vær klarthe next time he sees you you should be ready
har gift på tungå ska gje deg klart svargot poison on his tongue, will give you a clear reply
ska få deg te å svetta ska få deg i knewill make you sweat, will bring you to your knees
