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Band history

2007/1/26: 3 days left...

There's some additional links in the link section.
Don't expect further updates during the next days. But I promise a big update including a report about the release concert for some time next week. =;-)
Go out on Monday and buy the album! If you are not in Norway or Denmark, you can order it on In BeNeLux, the album will be distributed via Bertus, so you should be able to get it there.
And of course, don't forget about the competition!

2007/1/24: 6, setzen!

As predicted, the reviews are coming in. No sixes so far, but two fives, so that's pretty promising. Check out the reviews, you find them (always updated) in the link list. I had a go at translating the Aftenbladet-review. Turned out harder than I thought. So don't trust everything I wrote there, but I think that's what it said in the article. More or less at least. =;-) Read it here.

2007/1/21: Promote Skambankt!

Promote Skambankt - and win some cool prizes! Go here to find out what this is all about.
Thanks to TubaRec, got some nice prizes to give away.
The deal is simple: You do something to promote Skambankt, tell me about it, and if you are either lucky or completely crazy, you win some Skambankt stuff!
Sounds good, eh? Then good luck!

2007/1/21: (P)Reviews

I added some album previews to the link list. Guess there will be more soon, I won't always write that here, so check the list if you care. Some translations are available under the categorie Articles.

2007/1/18: Styrkerock!

You can read an article/interview about the new album Eliskir here. Read the translation here!
And don't forget to vote. =;-)