03/05/2015: Truth in a box!

It was just announced that there will be a tribute album - or rather album box set - for the Norwegian band Raga Rockers. 100 artists will contribute a song each to the box set "Sannhet på boks", and the covers will be released on CD and LP in November. Skambankt will be one of the bands that participate, and they will cover the Raga Rockers song Tid. For more information and to maybe get your box, see the crowdfunding project here. I strongly assume though that the songs will be released digitally as well, so that you don't need to get all songs if you only care about Skambankt's. =;-)

25/01/2015: Skæmbænkt!

Even though Skambankt expect 2015 to be a bit less busy than 2014, the calendar is already starting to fill up! This upcoming week, they'll play a youth concert in Oslo (without age limit), and in March, they will be all over Denmark - three weekends in a row. And for the last two weekends, they will actually join forces with Honningbarna. So if you're in the area, go get your dose of Norwegian rock in Denmark!