16/07/2014: Lyst på Sirene?

As mentioned last month, Skambankt came up with another kind of beer for the summer! It's called Sirene, it's light and fresh with a slight taste of pepper, and it will be available in selected stores (those that carry beer from Kinn brewery can order it).
Here's additional information from Hans Panzer about the Sirene beer:
Dette ølet er som observert et "lettøl" på 4,7% og vil bli tilgjengelig for utsalgssteder som har Kinn i sortimentet. Om de velger å ta det inn er en annen ting. Jeg vet at Vaaland på Bryne (som forøvrig er landets beste ølutsalg) venter på dette og at Bøker og Børst i Stavanger vil selge dette. Øltypen er en Saison, et Belgiskinspirert, lyst og frisk øl der vi har tilsatt pepper. Det er på ingen måter en fremtredende peppersmak, men ment for å fremheve de krydrede tonene som er typisk for gjærtypen som er brukt her. Jeg har ikke smakt det selv ennå men gjengen hos Kinn er veldig fornøyd. Et lyst og friskt sommerøl.
Check out a picture of the bottles here or on Facebook!

07/06/2014: De blir poteter!

The festival season is about to start - and in the short break between tours, Skambankt did not rest! Quite in contrary: They went into the studio to try out some new songs. And one of the songs worked out so well that they decided to record it right away! Yesterday, they gave it away to some lucky winners on their Facebook page. Don't despair if you weren't lucky; I'm sure the song will spread quickly, and it's awesome! :-) You can check out the lyrics and translation here. Enjoy!

Also, it was revealed today that there will be another Skambankt beer; this one a bit lighter and therefore perfect for the summer! Here's the story.

27/04/2014: Prague!

Just returned from Prague - and here's my report! Enjoy ... I actually wrote it twice just for you guys. Okay, you only get to read one version because I deleted the first ... but still. =;-)

23/03/2014: Oslo!

Another awesome concert - check out my report!
Next week, Skambankt will conclude their Sirene tour with concerts in Haugesund and Stavanger - go see them if you can!

20/03/2014: TV'n din e lojal!

Great news for everyone who won't be able to attend Skambankt's concert at Rockefeller in Oslo this Saturday: WiMP will stream the concert live! Go to tinyurl.com/skambankt for all the information and of course the live stream.
If you are in Oslo that night and just don't have a ticket yet, you can try your luck at musikknyheter.no, who are giving away tickets for the concert.

If you follow this site on Facebook, Twitter, or through the RSS feed, you probably know that my report from the Trondheim concert is online already. Forgot to post it here, oops ... =;-) You can check it out here.

And finally, the tour list is getting longer and longer - more and more festivals are announcing that Skambankt will play there this year. Check out all dates that are known up to now here or on the tour map.