News archive

2006/2/11: Pickles?!?

The translation of the news on is online ("NEWS-Official").

2006/2/11: Back in the charts!

Skambankt are back in the Danish single charts, and currently getting ready for the tour.

2006/1/22: There you go!

The translations of the Skamania EP are now available. Thanks again to Eivind for great help!
Also, you can read the translation of the new press release under "INFO-General".

2006/1/22: New press release!

There's a new press release on Also, the tour dates have been confirmed.

2006/1/17: Skamania!

The lyrics for the Skamania EP are online now ("MUSIC-Lyrics"). The translations are currently... eh... "under revision". They will be online as soon as I figure out what all those funny words are supposed to mean. =;-) No, promised, it'll be pretty soon now.